*if you click on the photos, you will be taken to a bigger, better looking image. I encourage you to do so.
Large crowds showed up.
Young and old showed up and while always colorful, the clothing didn't always seem that reverent.
The followers from the different temples identified themselves through matching T-Shirts, hats or small banners and flags. Many used all the possible identifiers.
Music was a big part of the event.
While some of the musicians were quite skilled, others more or less went by the credo of "If you can't be great, at least make sure to be heard."The music was provided by folks of all ages. Generally speaking, traditional instruments were the order of the day.
Lots of interesting individual characters were available for portraiture too.
At almost every Taoist ceremony, the Eight Generals characters show up. With their colourful make up, dress and actions, they are always photographers' favourites.
Other colourful characters were a big part of the activities too.
By the end of the day, people (myself included) were exhausted.